Does the sound of a dental drill fill you with dread? You’re far from the only one; according to one study, about 60% of people around the world suffer from a form of dental fear, and one-third of the United States population avoids the dentist altogether because of these anxieties. Luckily, this is one situation where modern technology could make all the difference. Here’s why fearful patients might benefit from a dentist who uses a Solea laser.
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If you’re missing one or more teeth, it can be hard to find the motivation to replace them. This is especially true if they’re in the back of the mouth. After all, why bother replacing your missing teeth if no one is going to see them? As it turns out, there are several reasons beyond just aesthetics why you should replace a missing tooth with dental implants. Here are 5 reasons that dental implants can benefit you.
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