Eggnog, honey-baked ham, family time, holiday music, and gift giving are just some of the traditions that happen during this wonderful season! You may be making food, getting gifts, or readying your house, but there’s one preparation that you may have forgotten about, teeth whitening. The holidays are a time for family and friends but also photos. Is your smile camera ready? See why now is the best time to get the bright, white smile you’ve been wanting.
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You’ve had a toothache for a while now. Even though it has probably only been a few days, it feels like forever has passed since your mouth has been pain-free. It has kept you from living your life to the fullest, since you can’t even smile without serious pain. You’re starting to think that the tooth might have to be pulled, since there’s no way it can be saved at this point, right? Wrong. There are alternatives to tooth extractions out there. Let’s look at some of them.
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