September 18, 2017

How Can a Dentist Help Patients Facing Bone & Tooth Loss?

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senior couple brushing teethHave you ever seen someone with a sunken facial appearance? There could be a multitude of reasons for that, one of them being tooth and bone loss.

What do you do when you’ve lost teeth and it starts making you look much older than you are? Learn more about tooth and bone loss and most importantly—how your dentist can help you with these options.

Why is it important to keep your jawbone healthy?

Do you know all that a healthy jawbone does for your smile? Your natural permanent teeth are embedded in your jawbone. When your jawbone is strong, it helps you to speak clearly and enjoy your favorite foods. This is also where blood flow and nutrients keep your teeth strong. Without a stable jawbone, your oral health can suffer dramatically.

Tooth Loss Negatively Affects Your Jawbone

The most common cause of jawbone deterioration is from missing teeth. When you leave a lost tooth alone without treatment, you leave your jawbone susceptible to declining health.

Your jawbone stays strong through chewing and stimulation of blood flow. If there are no teeth with love roots embedded in your jawbone to stimulate it, the bone will “resorb” (reabsorb) to the body. This can lead to additional tooth loss in surrounding teeth, easily leading to severe tooth loss and continued jawbone deterioration.

Dental Implants Are the Best Choice for Tooth Loss

If you’ve been looking for tooth replacement options, there are probably many resources that may have pointed you to traditional replacements like dentures, crowns, or dental bridges. Although these replacements are effective in their own way, they have one common drawback: they only replace the visible portion of your teeth.

What about the other important half of your tooth—the root? Your tooth root keeps your jawbone stimulated and strong. Without one, patients experience bone deterioration over time. This can lead to an increased risk of infections, tooth loss, and a general decline in overall oral health. Thankfully, dental implants mimic the entire structure of a tooth from root to crown. By replacing both parts of your missing tooth, dental implants will stimulate your jawbone and encourage new growth and stability. Plus, a big bonus: you’ll keep your youthful appearance!

Does the possibility of having a full, healthy smile again excite you? Imagine eating, speaking, and smiling confidently—it’s possible with dental implants!

Meet the Fort Dental Team

When three dental professionals like Dr. Stovall, Dr. Cheng, and Dr. Thorburn come together to create a dynamic dental office like Fort Dental, remarkable things happen. Countless patients have benefited from visiting our dental experts, especially when they are facing tooth and bone loss. If you would like to meet with one of our dentists about dental implants, feel free to call our office by dialing (817) 292-5957.