Enjoying the Holidays While Healing From Oral Surgery

If you or your family have time off during the holiday season, you may be like many others who have decided to go ahead and knock out an oral surgery procedure so that you don’t have to miss out on your regular schedule. With oral surgery, comes much needed healing time. You may be wondering how you can enjoy many of the things that come with the holidays, such as savory foods and drinks, travel, or fun with family and friends while still on the mend. Your Fort Worth Dentist has some helpful tips to share to help you get the most out of your holiday season, even after undergoing oral surgery.
Enjoying the Holidays After Oral Surgery
Whether it’s a dental implant, gum disease therapy, a tooth extraction, or wisdom teeth removal, holidays are often the time-of-choice for many people to schedule oral surgery procedures. However, with the holidays comes plans that often involve travel or food, and it might seem like the healing time required after oral surgery could eat into having a good time. Here are a few pointers to help you prepare to heal quickly after your oral surgery and still be able to enjoy yourself this year:
- Get plenty of rest. This might be the most important one. When you rest, your body heals, so the more you can get, the quicker you’ll be in tip-top shape.
- Schedule a travel date-buffer. Traveling of any kind does not typically cause issues when it comes to oral surgery, however, if you have plans to do so, it’s important that you have a couple days of down-time first. Try to give yourself a buffer of at least two days in between your surgery and your departure date. It’s also important to drink plenty of water, as being on a plane or in a vehicle for an extended period of time can cause dehydration.
- Choose softer foods to eat. This one may seem a bit obvious, but if your mouth is healing from oral surgery, you don’t want to go chomping down on hard nuts or candies. The great thing about holiday foods, is that there is usually a plethora of traditional favorites that are on the softer side, such as mashed potatoes, stuffing, sauces, puddings, and even pumpkin pie without the hard crust.
- Be selective about the activities you partake in. Obviously, a card game by the fire and a football scrimmage in the backyard have very different potential outcomes. If your family or friends decide to participate in rougher or high contact games, opt to sit out and be the cheerleader this year. You always have next year to show them up!
If you’re among the many people taking advantage of the time off during the holidays to take care of a much-needed oral surgery, follow these helpful tips to ensure that you’re still able to have a safe and fun holiday season.
About the Practice
The team of doctors at Fort dental is dedicated to ensuring that each of their patients is armed with the knowledge and tools they need to experience the most efficient and successful healing process after oral surgery. Years of experience have made them experts at what they do. Their main priority is to build trusted relationships with everyone they care for and to provide a comfortable and safe atmosphere to receive treatment in. Are you ready to schedule your oral surgery? Request a consultation online or call (817) 292-5957.