February 20, 2018

Gummy Smile? Get a Gum Lift from a Dentist in Fort Worth!

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 3:12 am

woman smiling When you smile, do you see a child-like, gummy smile? Seeing so much pink gum tissue—even if it’s healthy—can make you not want to show your smile off at all. If you suffer from a gummy smile, there is a way to fix it with the help of your dentist in Fort Worth.

Learn more about gum lifts in this week’s blog post and how they can help you feel better about your smile.

Reveal Your Naturally Beautiful Smile with a Gum Lift

We know your beautiful teeth are there – they’re just hidden underneath your gums! That’s exactly the idea behind a gum lift procedure, lifting your excess gum tissue and removing it to expose those natural pearly whites.

How Does a Gum Lift Work?

To perform your gum lift procedure, your local dentist will use advanced technology to rehape your gums. Laser dentistry allows your dentist the power to change the gum line by removing excess gum tissue with minimal pain and discomfort. The precise laser prevents the need for invasive scalpels and even stitches so that you can have a speedy recovery time. Laser dentistry creates such a positive experience that many patients report not ever needing additional sedation or even a local anesthetic to complete their procedure.

How Can You Benefit from a Gum Lift?

The idea of removing gum tissue may seem a bit scary. You might be trying to decide if this is the right procedure for you. Consider these benefits about gum lifts before making your final decision:

  • The laser procedure is non-invasive.
  • You’ll never have to deal with a scalpel or stitches.
  • Even the smallest adjustment of gum tissue can have a huge aesthetic impact on your smile.
  • The laser gum lift procedure can often be entirely completed in a single visit to your local practice.

Further than the benefits, the perfect gum lift candidates practice excellent oral hygiene. Their gums current state should be pink, firm, and free of infection like gum disease. If you do have a gum health condition, you and your dentist can discuss how to overcome that obstacle before this cosmetic procedure.

Your Dentist is There for You Every Step of the Way

Once your gum lift is complete, your dentist will set you up for success with detailed instructions on how to care for your smile during your healing period. You can use the prescribed medications that your dentist will offer to reduce any of the slight discomfort you may have for the following days. Also, try applying ice packs to the area to reduce the small amount of swelling.

Are you dealing with the effects of a gummy smile? If so, a simple gum lift can change your smile for the better. Contact your local dentist to schedule a visit soon!

About Our Office

Here at Fort Dental, we know that everyone’s smile is beautiful in their own way. Sometimes, you just need a simple lift to reveal how gorgeous your teeth truly are. Learn more about how your dentist can preform a simple gum lift and boost your self-esteem today!