June 30, 2009

Bad Taste In Your Mouth?

If you constantly have a bad taste in your mouth, it could be a sign of an underlying problem somewhere in your mouth.  Bacteria are the major cause of bad breath and bad tastes in the mouth.  The question is:  Where is the bacteria hiding where you may not be able to get to it?  It could be a new cavity or a suspicious area around a filling or crown. 

Another possibility is that food is getting caught in an area which is not being brushed or flossed properly.  Therefore, the first step should always be to brush at least twice a day and to floss daily.  If the taste is still present after improving oral hygiene, call your dentist for an exam.

Finally, a bad taste could be a sign of gum disease (periodontal disease).  Bacteria can reside in deep pockets between the teeth and gums.  If you have not had a cleaning in over a year, schedule and exam with your dentist as soon as possible.

June 25, 2009

Seeing is believing! Our intraoral camera will open your eyes!





The single most powerful piece of technology in our practice (for Doctor and Patient) is the intraoral camera.  Why?  Because seeing is believing!  What if your dentist could SHOW you what was wrong with your tooth on a large television set?  Well, in our office, that’s exactly what’s available to you.

As a result, the “trust factor” goes way up and any doubts, questions, fears are immediately addressed with a clear picture of the tooth and the treatment that is needed is validated quickly.  Fear can be driven by the unknown. 

Our camera can also validate your GOOD oral health and the fact that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with your teeth at all!  How wonderful!  Every new patient that comes into our office for a comprehensive exam receives a “tour of your mouth” with our camera.  See all that is good in your mouth, see what may need a little help.

Call us today for an appointment to see your teeth on TV!  817-292-5957

June 19, 2009

Referrals are the highest compliment

At Drs. Stovall & Cheng’s office, we always welcome new patients into our practice. Referrals from our existing patients are absolutely the highest compliment we can receive.

Our goal is to give each patient the best care and caring possible to help you keep your teeth for a lifetime. When you send your friends and loved ones, it tells us that we’re accomplishing our goal.

We thank all of our wonderful patients for their referrals over the years and look forward to meeting more of your friends and family!

June 17, 2009

Cerec, the one-visit porcelain crown















Our Cerec technology allow us to make a porcelain crown in one visit!  No temporaries, no “goopy” material to stick in your mouth.  In about an hour and a half, you can walk out of our office with a brand new crown without a return visit.

We have had Cerec technology for the past five years.  In fact, we were the first practice in Fort Worth to have Cerec.   As you can see, Cerec produces strong, natural-looking crowns.  Call our office today for an appointment!  817-292-5957

May 27, 2009

Tetracycline Stain and Worn Teeth from Grinding







Tetracyline is an antibiotic that was widely prescribed for pregnant women and children from the 1950’s through the late 1970’s.  One of the possible side effects was permanent staining of teeth.  In this case, presence of tetracycline staining and severe wear from teeth grinding led this patient to take action.

First, Teeth whitening was performed for a few weeks.  Then, six upper front teeth were prepared for porcelain veneers and temporaries were placed.  A couple of weeks later, the real porcelain veneers were bonded onto the teeth and the result was spectacular!  A Nightguard was also made for the patient to protect the veneers and teeth at nighttime, when most people tend to grind their teeth.

Porcelain veneers may provide a dramatic esthetic result, but more importantly, they can preserve worn, broken teeth and protect them from further damage.

March 30, 2009

Your Way to a Healthy Smile

Good oral hygiene may help the whole body, experts believe

(Please see the link below to view the article)


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