Time and time again, our patients will say after their first visit with us: “I’ve never had an exam like that before! That was Great!”
Why? All because at the end of their comprehensive exam, we give them a “tour of your mouth” with the intraoral camera. You see what we see, except better: Try your teeth magnified 10 times on a television screen! All doubts erased and everything face-value for what it is.

I’ve always said, I wish my mechanic had a camera to show me why he had to make a repair on my car. Without a picture, I’m completely at his mercy and can only hope that he’s being honest with me. At Stovall & Cheng, DDS, a picture says a thousand words. You are literally in “partnership” with us in seeing why we give a particular recommendation.
Isn’t technology great in 2010? You deserve to be in an office that utilizes the latest technology to do great dentistry and to give you a comfortable, informed experience. With a camera just a little larger than a ball point pen, see for yourself!

If you’d like to experience gentle dental care and unmatched patient-focused service, call us today! 817-292-5957 or visit www.hulendental.com