Implant dentures in Fort Worth are unlike other tooth replacement solutions. While dentures are more affordable upfront, they require more frequent maintenance and leave much to be desired in the way of placement and stability. Fortunately, at Fort Dental, our team of experts is here to deliver permanent results with titanium posts that fuse with your bone tissues to create a solid foundation for your new implant dentures. You will find that in choosing this style of tooth replacement, your ability to eat, speak, and smile drastically improves as well as your general oral health. Contact us today to find out if you are a qualified candidate and what you can do to take the next step in replacing your missing teeth with dental implant-supported dentures in Fort Worth, TX.
Instead of choosing a prosthetic made from a gum-colored, acrylic base and artificial teeth that only sit on your gums, implant dentures are titanium posts that look similar to screws. Mimicking the natural tooth root, they are surgically placed into the jawbone and fuse with the bone tissues over a span of 3-6 months. Creating a natural and comfortable approach to tooth replacement, implant dentures offer patients suffering from tooth loss the chance to embrace a better quality of life. This is evident in the more than 3 million people in the United States already living with dental implants.
To become a part of this group of individuals, you must schedule a consultation with a member of our team to determine your eligibility. During this visit, you will also learn about the different types of dentures you can choose from, including:
One of the great benefits of receiving implant dentures is that our team is happy to provide start-to-finish treatment in-house, so you can remain in one location for the duration of your treatment. And while the process requires many steps that can occur over several months, it is necessary that you remain patient in order to achieve long-lasting, beautiful results.
After your initial consultation with our team, we will determine if you require any preliminary treatments (i.e., bone grafting, periodontal therapy), as these may be necessary to ensure the success of your dental implants in Fort Worth. Once you are cleared for dental implant surgery, you will receive local anesthesia before small incisions are made in your gums. After placing each dental implant into the respected areas of the jawbone, we will close the gum tissue and place a protective cap over the areas. For the next 3-6 months, you will be required to recover and let the process of osseointegration occur, which is the fusing of your implants to your bone tissues. You will then receive your metal abutments, which connect your implants to your full denture. Finally, the last step in the process is to receive your finalized denture, which will be secured into place.
It’s not uncommon for most individuals to think they will not qualify for implant dentures; however, the truth is that most adults suffering from tooth loss are eligible for this type of treatment. The only difference is that some might require preliminary services while others may be free to move forward with dental implant surgery right away. The only way to know how you can progress through the treatment process is to schedule a consultation with our team at Fort Dental. We will consider the following factors when preparing your treatment plan:
While you have the option to choose traditional dentures, you will find there are more benefits that come with combining these prosthetics with dental implants, some of which include: