Bruxism, an unconscious grinding and clenching of the teeth, can cause migraines, damage teeth, and contribute to temporomandibular dysfunction. The primary causes of bruxism are stress and tension. Our dentists have found that NTI-tss™ nightguards for our Fort Worth, TX dental patients can prevent clenching and grinding.
Research indicates that 40 million Americans suffer from migraines or tension headaches. The FDA reported that 82 percent of patients professionally diagnosed with migraines experienced a 77 percent average reduction in attacks in the first eight weeks while using the NTI-tss.
Sometimes referred to as TMD, TMJ dysfunction develops from overstimulation of the trigeminal nerve caused by excessive teeth occlusion. By reducing the intensity of the occlusion, the NTI-tss can relieve TMJ pain.
NTI-tss stands for Nociceptive Trigeminal Inhibition. Nociceptors are nerves that sense and respond when the body is harmed. They tell the brain of impending damage, injury, or irritation. Trigeminal refers to the nerve which has three sensory divisions within the face and neck. The lower case tss stands for tension suppression system.
Once identified, we can often treat bruxism, migraines, or TMJ dysfunction with a revolutionary little acrylic mouthpiece, the NTI-tss device. The estimate for people fitted with the NTI-tss has exceeded 2.25 million throughout the world, and they all thank Dr. Jim Boyd for his invention. Dr. Boyd and his wife, migraine sufferers, were the first two patients to wear the device. Ever since it relieved their migraine pain, it’s helped millions, and it can help you as well.
Bruxism, many migraines, and TMJ dysfunction result from a jaw muscle/nerve malfunction. The NTI-tss interrupts the involuntary tug of war between the jaw's side and temporal muscles, reducing clenching intensity by one-third, thus reducing the barrage of negative impulses transmitted by nerves. Furthermore, the device causes muscles to relax in a stable position so that you and those hyperactive malfunctioning muscles can rest. Often this eliminates bruxism-related migraines and various kinds of TMJ pain. Some patients experience relief after one night, while others find comfort after a few weeks of wearing the NTI-tss.
Custom made to fit each patient’s unique bite, the NTI-tss appliance features a snap-in fit to stay secure during the night. Children cannot wear the standard device, but a special appliance made for primary teeth can be made. Believe it or not, many insurance policies will help cover the costs of the appliance because it is FDA approved for migraine treatment and falls under the category of oral appliance or splint. If you suffer from bruxism, migraines, or TMJ pain, ask about the NTI-tss. You deserve relief.