What is CEREC?
CEREC actually stands for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics. Despite being somewhat of a mouthful, how CEREC works is actually quite straightforward.
CEREC uses a 3D image of your tooth created by a digital scanner to custom mill an attractive restoration from durable dental ceramic using CAD/CAM technology—all in-house! Because we produce CEREC crowns, inlays, and onlays in our dental office, we can immediately place them, restoring form and function to your damaged tooth in just about an hour. Millions of people across the globe have benefited from this high-quality, time-saving technology, and you can too! If you’ve been dealing with a compromised tooth and haven’t had time to get it fixed, now you can get a quick and effective solution without having to sacrifice anything—and we do mean anything.
We know what you must be thinking by now. “Sure, this sounds great, but it’s outrageously expensive, right? Things don’t get faster and better unless you pay more. Can I even afford a CEREC crown?”
CEREC crowns actually cost about the same as traditional lab-made ones. That means you can enjoy all of the benefits when it comes to speed, quality, and convenience without having to break the bank.
Thanks to CEREC technology, now even more people can fit their essential dental care into their busy schedules. Complex restorative care can now be completed in just an hour or so as opposed to being spread out over the course of a few visits. You simply come in, get your smile restored, and that’s it!